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dbhq.netMeet Us - Who is DBHQ

Meet Us

Meet Us

FileMaker Pro Developer

Susan Prosser is the president of DBHQ, a FileMaker Pro development firm in the metro Phoenix area. She’s co-author of seven best-selling O’Reilly books about FileMaker — the most recent is FileMaker Pro 14: The Missing Manual. As a superhero, Susan’s main job is to learn how people work and what they need, and then create custom FileMaker solutions that let them work smarter and faster. DBHQ helps U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the National Institute for Health, Wells Fargo, Banner Health Systems, Hospice of the Valley and many small- to mid-sized companies to tame, manage and analyze mountains of data for thousands of end users.


With Stuart Gripman, Susan has co-written O’Reilly Media’s FileMaker Pro 14: The Missing Manual. The best-selling book is like the world’s favorite database: open, approachable, user-friendly, but with unsuspected depth for those willing to poke around.

Susan is the author of three technical briefs for FileMaker Inc. and is a repeat speaker at the annual FileMaker Developer’s Convention, on subjects like web publishing, charting, building dashboards, and creating good user experience.

Award Winner

Susan won a 2006 Mad Dog public relations award from FileMaker for helping raise awareness of FileMaker.

FileMaker Certified

Susan has multiple certifications from FileMaker Inc.

FileMaker Certififed